
Who is Jennibet?  Well, she’s my great grandmother

Virginia Elizabeth Lawless Manning Mayes.

Yes, that’s a mouthful of names for the most humble and precious lady I’ve ever known.   Everyone just called her Jennibet or Mama Mayes.

Who is Jennibet.com?  Well, thats me.   Beth.    I’m named after her.   (and, another Great Grandmother, and my maternal grandmother, Emma Elizabeth Manning Plott Hodnett.)  Good gracious!!

I’m a background person.  Introvert, if you will.   Not a seeker of attention.  Southern to the core and proud of it. Executive at the non profit Netivyah International. Daughter, Mom, Partner in Crime. And most importantly a Disney Princess!!

Here’s my attempt to describe my life and interests and hopefully it will be enjoyable for a few folks.  It’ll be book recommendations , devotionals, Stuff I use that others may like. Musings upon the world at large. Who knows?!!

I reside in Middle Tennessee and have a sweet geeky husband, Barry, and a future POTUS Joseph.

— Beth

Contact Me:  bethjennibet@gmail.com beth@netivyahinternational.org

Instagram:  @jennibet_com @netivyahinternational

Goodreads:    https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/81052928-beth-shulam

YouTube: @netivyahinternational

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