Lastest Reads

On the radar this week are two new releases. The first from There’s Something About Mira: Mira Salvi embarks on a quest to find the owner of a ring she found in NYC. The second is Dream Girl Drama by @tessabaileyisanauthor . Part of a series set in the world of hockey. Is it love at first sight for Pro Sig Gauthier? (Ms Baileys stories are steamy, so you have been warned!!!) #sonalidev#tessabaileyauthor @avonbooks @lakeunionauthors#happyendings #womensfiction #romance

TBR Pile Review. Well, I received an ARC of High Time by Hannah Rothschild from @vintagebooks way back in August 2024. As soon as I saw it was the second in a series, of course I had to go buy the first book, House of Trelawney. These two novels about the aristocratic family Trelawney are witty and charming but right on the pulse of the modern financial world of Britain. The cast of characters is eccentric. The old guard is holding on by a thread as the manor house crumbles around them. hannah.rothschild, I loved these novels!!! So, if you enjoyed Downton Abbey and Succession, the Trewlawney family is your jam!!

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